Monday, September 1, 2008

finally.. aboard the dicaprio bandwagon.

when i was a kid i used to watch a decent number of movies so i'm not totally inept when it comes to the products of hollywood, actors, so on and so forth.. but then middle school hit. something happened. who knows what?. and like my friend anna recounts, i said i was going through a phase, when she asked if i wanted to see a movie, as an attempt to be friends/hang out with me.. movies, perhaps not totally inept, but other areas i may very well have been.. in any case, that phase was a long one and i've recently, just this year?.. have wanted/started to take interest in film again. so, i've actually gone to the theater twice, both of which were free, but more so have been watching dvds.. i think i want to start to compile a movie list and perhaps write reviews.. i should prolly start that soon especially since the list has not grown too too big yet but still it's a big [according to my [lowly] standards] endeavor so i better hop to if i really mean it.. in any case.. the second most recent movie i watched was 'the departed'. i was confused for most of the movie and only started having a clue somewhere around the middle. it also wasn't a genre i thought i was in the mood for but again, somewhere around the middle, i started to really enjoy it. and enjoyed leonardo dicaprio's performance along with.. i'm not an actor or some movie critic buff but there was something about his performance that made you really feel for him.. i used to be a fan of him way [way] back in the day.. like, when he was in growing pains.. then he became this teenage heartthrob which then maybe made me lose interest in him.. time time time. then somewhere he grew up. and i suppose, along came 'the departed'. and you could tell.. it sounds a lil silly but his facial features are now more chisled.. vs. before when his face looked as smooth as a baby's ass.. not to sound vulgur or anything.. but immature he seemed/looked. now he's more grownup, which for him, works better for me.. but in any case.. i sort of fell for his character and his story and now him as an actor.. i checked out his filmography and it looks like he's been a pretty busy guy, with a movie or even two out practically every year and he's booked til 2010 or something crazy like that.. sidenote: can you imagine?.. having a schedule/plans for the next two years?.. i see it as sort of something to be desired.. because it means you've got work. and you're wanted. in any case. so the next day i rented black diamond.. i made it through the movie despite the horrors.. i didn't like it as much as the departed, for sure.. and i didn't really understand all the hype it got.. i didn't think it was o so amazing.. but.. i did merit the movie as an entertaining piece that has/had the power to educate the masses, a concept which i'm a big fan of.. for instance, you leave the movie thinking about how stupid diamonds are and quietly say to yourself, i'm not going to support this deadly/painstaking industry and i won't buy them dumb stones.. and boom, there you've got yourself 'behavior change' [buzzwords] and you've made a difference [theoretically].. ..but in any case.. clap clap dicaprio.. now i'll await his upcoming flicks and perhaps will catch him next time on the big screen..

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